Download the latest release from []( Unzip and move to a folder in you path (ease of use). I also recommend rename the file `````` to just ```malias``` and make the file executable with ```chmod +x malias```. To install required python modules run ```pip3 install -r requirements.txt```
Add new time limited alias for user on domain. One year validity
-d, --delete
Delete alias.
-v, --version Show current version and information
-c, --copy Copy alias data from mailcow server to local DB.
-l, --list List all aliases on the Mailcow instance.
-o, --domains List all mail domains on the Mailcow instance.
Making mailcow easier...
## Plans
I'm also working on functionality for exporting and importing aliases. As of version _0.4_ there is an export and an import fucntion that is not active in the app. Hopefully they will be finnished some day...