Three new files to ignore for GoHugo repositories:
- `/assets/jsconfig.json` - Quote from [JavaScript Building]( "Hugo will, by default, generate a assets/jsconfig.json file that maps the imports. This is useful for navigation/intellisense help inside code editors, but if you don’t need/want it, you can turn it off."
- `hugo_stats.json` - Quote from [Post Build Resource Transformations ]( "The prime current use case for the above is CSS pruning in PostCSS. In simple cases you can use the templates as a base for the content filters, but that has its limitations and can be very hard to setup, especially in themed configurations. So we have added a new writeStats configuration that, when enabled, will write a file named hugo_stats.json to your project root with some aggregated data about the build, e.g. list of HTML entities published, to be used to do CSS pruning."
- `.hugo_build.lock` - Quote from [Fine Grained File Filters ]( "Hugo now writes an empty file named .hugo_build.lock to the root of the project when building (also when doing hugo new and other commands that requires a build). We recommend you just leave this file alone. Put it in .gitignore or similar if you don’t want the file in your source repository."
If a user has ignored an asset (no matter how dubious that decision may be), they also want to ignore the .meta file. Instead of bringing back .metas that have been ignored, this template should trust that a user has ignored the files they want to ignore.
You'd encounter this issue if you had added an ignore for an asset and its meta above this Unity template, or if another template ignored an asset and meta.
In general excludes may be dangerous in these templates, as they can have unintended consequences on other templates.
>A note about backup files
One other notable change is that the backup file system has been removed. This was the system that would create kicad_sch-bak and kicad_pcb-bak files every time you save. The short story about why this is removed is that with recent changes to the way file saving works, it should no longer be possible for files to be corrupted if KiCad crashes during a save, and the generation of these backup files was seen by many users as annoying clutter. For more context about this decision, you can read the [thread on the developers mailing list](
>An new backup system that properly backs up the whole project (see the [GitLab issue]( has been implemented to replace this feature. As always when using nightly builds, back up your files separately in case a KiCad bug breaks the built-in backup system.
This is a gitignore template for the AutoIt v3 Language. This tool automatically excludes files created by some of it's tools such as automated backups.
After spending a lot of time finding why my app won't run, just noticed that the gitignore I copied introduced a deletion/ignore rule of an internal folder used by the framework.
The current gitignore file deletes the folder `/system/Cache/*` and causes the following error when running the App from the CLI or the web server : `Class "CodeIgniter\Cache\CacheFactory" not found `; making the app unable to run.
I added the following rule to fix this : `!system/Cache/*`.
Note : this won't fix the bug if the system folder is renamed