I've just upgraded to ASP.NET Core RC2, and I've found that Visual
Studio is producing a file called project.fragment.lock.json. When I
delete the file it is recreated during build. Given project.lock.json is
already ignored this looks like another file to ignore.
After trying this tool for code injeciton: https://github.com/johnno1962/injectionforxcode we added it to our workflow.
Only bad side is that there's a folder included in the project that would be worth ignoring.
We had it in our .gitignore file. Just pushing the change
Many twelve-factor apps use environment variables rather than the built in Rails secrets mechanism to store secrets.
The [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) gem is widely used for this purpose and allows environment variables to be loaded from the `.env` file. However, this file should not be committed to source control.
This PR just adds the `.env` file to `.gitignore` so that these secrets aren't accidentally committed. In some rare instances, it may be required that this file is committed to source control so I've added it to the list of files that can be removed if the developer is ok with secrets being committed.
This gitignore is used to make a repo with sublime text 3 package preferences stored in
The .gitignore files are listed here
I added GitHub.sublime-settings to the .gitignore since its a config file added
from a popular github package that contains sensible information about your account
When we use 'thmtools' package for creating 'List of Theorems', auxiliary file '.loe' is created, just as '.toc' for 'Table of Contents' and '.lof' for 'List of Figures'.
[nyc](https://github.com/bcoe/nyc) is quite popular, and under some circumstances it writes to `.nyc_output` directory. This directory should be ignored by default.
- FlashDevelop uses different file and folder names for it's bin and obj outputs, so those have been added for convenience of devs using that.
- Added a list of some executables that are output by various ways of compiling Actionscript (such as AIR and general Flash).